
Muslim American Women With Light Brown Hair For Dating

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Hair Color


Light Brown

36 - 70 of 98
42 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Male 38 - 51
Hair color: Light Brown
44 Houston, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 39 - 52
Hair color: Light Brown
42 Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Seeking: Male 34 - 46
Hair color: Light Brown
43 Orlando, Florida, United States
Seeking: Male 34 - 50
Hair color: Light Brown
36 Daly City, California, United States
Seeking: Male 34 - 49
Hair color: Light Brown
37 Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 49
Hair color: Light Brown
48 Lufkin, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 44 - 57
Hair color: Light Brown
33 Houston, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 28 - 55
Hair color: Light Brown
57 San Antonio, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 46 - 59
Hair color: Light Brown
60 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States
Seeking: Male 66 - 75
Hair color: Light Brown
I am a woman of principles , very serious looking for a serious man for a LEGITIMATE and LEGAL relationship built on SOUND and SOLID FOUNDATIONS . Pleasant , always in good mood and good faith , I do not complicate my life ( I take things on the right side ) . I love simplicity and modesty . I am honest , loyal , very helpful and very devoted , faithful in all my relationships (family , friendly , love... etc) . I hate lies , hypocrisy , selfishness , arrogance and ingratitude . I love reading , listening to music , watching movies . very sensitive , very sentimental , romantic (until the fingernails ) , I love nature especially in autumn (my favorite season ) , I love the sea and walk by the water as well as the winter vigils in front of a good and beautiful wood fire watching the rain or snow fall . I love giving love and receiving it . To take care of the man of my life , to pamper him , to make him happy (by small and large means ) : it is a great pleasure for me . Make our LIFE (of us both) peaceful and pleasant is all I care about. I love to share the little pleasures of everyday life with my man . to have a SERENE life , in the Entente , MUTUAL respect and trust and a great complicity with my companion , a lot of dedication , a lot of tenderness and full of JOY..... This is what I wish with all my heart for my future relationship and for my future LIFE in TWO IN SHA ALLAH I come to this site with the aim and hope of meeting the MAN of my DREAMS (IN SHA ALLAH) because you see , even at that age, one can dream. They say, "as long as there is life, there is hope", so the dream. في الحقيقة ، أن يتكلم الشخص عن نفسه ، أمر صعب و لكن رغم هذا سأحاول: ، إنسانة جادة ، مسؤولة ، متواضعة ، طبيعية ، مسالمة ذات أخلاق و مبادئ عالية و قلب كبير ، عاطفية و رومانسية ، ودودة و متفانية في الحب... أطمح لحياة زوجية هادئة ، مبنية على الاحترام و التفاهم و الثقة ، مليئة بالود و العطف و الحنان... أحب الصدق ، الإخلاص ، الكرم ، التواضع ، الإنسانية و الرحمة بجميع أشكالها... أكره لدرجة قوية الكذب ، الغدر ، النفاق ، التصنع ، الأنانية ، العجرفة ، حب النفس و حب المصلحة الشخصية. أحب المطالعة و السماع للموسيقى الراقية ، المشي في الطبيعة و بجانب الأمواج (أعشق البحر...!!) . أحب مناظر الطبيعة ، خصوصا في فصل الخريف ( الفصل المفضل عندي) ، أحب الجو البارد و منظر الثلوج ، أحب الرياضة (السباحة على الأخص) و السفر أحب كثيرا البسط و المرح و الحياة البسيطة ، الهادئة و الجملية بكل معانيها talking about yourself is difficult, but nevertheless I'll try: serious, responsible, humble, Natural and VERY HAPPY ... Possessing Great moral qualities and Solid principles, Big heart, sensitive, sentimental, romantic, very sympathetic and faithful in love. I ASPIRE to a serene CONJUGAL life BASED on respect, Tolerance, understanding, confidence and on much tenderness and Joy. I LIKE: Honesty, sincerity, generosity, humility, humanity and Mercy IN ALL its FORMS. I HATE (vehemently): Lies, hypocrisy, anything contrived, selfishness, arrogance and self-interest. I LOVE to Read, Listen to good Music, walk in Nature and on Beach, by the water (I love the sea ...) !!). I LOVE the Natural landscapes especially in Autumn (my FAVORITE season), I like the Cold and the Snow ... Sport (especially swimming) as well as Travel ... I LOVE THE SIMPLE, FUN, BEAUTIFUL LIFE IN EVERY WAY....
29 Detroit, Michigan, United States
Seeking: Male 29 - 37
Hair color: Light Brown
21 Houston, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 21 - 30
Hair color: Light Brown
39 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 50
Hair color: Light Brown
42 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Male 40 - 50
Hair color: Light Brown
54 San Francisco, California, United States
Seeking: Male 47 - 55
Hair color: Light Brown
32 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Male 24 - 36
Hair color: Light Brown
64 Frederick, Maryland, United States
Seeking: Male 59 - 74
Hair color: Light Brown
52 Chicago, Illinois, United States
Seeking: Male 45 - 65
Hair color: Light Brown
23 Glen Cove, New York, United States
Seeking: Male 28 - 40
Hair color: Light Brown
49 Frisco, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 47 - 70
Hair color: Light Brown
52 Gladstone, Missouri, United States
Seeking: Male 48 - 60
Hair color: Light Brown
35 Dallas, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 33 - 48
Hair color: Light Brown
21 Valley Stream, New York, United States
Seeking: Male 21 - 35
Hair color: Light Brown
